RhizoChar - Garden; Sample Packet

$ 3.95 USD

2 ozs. Good for small test garden or several small home plants. Enough for 40 linear feet of row crop or 4 small transplants. Try it!

Includes shipping and handling


RhizoChar - Garden; Small Package

$ 14.95 USD

8 oz. Provides material for about 170 linear feet of row crop or 17 small transplants. Enough for a garden up to 400 sq. ft.

Price includes shipping and handling (USPS parcel post)


RhizoChar - Garden; Regular Package

$ 24.95 USD

1.5 lbs. Enough for 500 linear feet of row crop or 50 small transplants. Up to a 1,200 sq. ft. garden.

Includes shipping and handling. (USPS parcel post)


RhizoChar - Garden - Regular Special

$ 65.00 USD

Special: Three (3) 1.5 lb. packages for $65.00

Share some with your friends and family!

Includes Shipping and handling.

RhizoChar - Turf

$ 149.95 USD

50 lb. bag. For the home owner who desires a healthy lawn without damaging the environment. One 50 lb bag covers up to 20,000 sq. ft.

Includes shipping and handling

(Commercial discounts available for large volumes.)


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